Pulp Fusion - Paper Chair Project

In 2050, the mass of plastic present in the sea is expected to exceed the estimated mass of fish (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016). The Paper Chair project started as a reaction to the increasing presence of plastics in the environment. For over a year, Bits to Atoms has been patiently researching the recycling of paper, to develop a sustainable recipe and production process to create a chair that is sufficient in its structural resistance and entirely compostable. Pulp Fusion is not only innocuous to the environment; its constituent assortment of seeds and nutrients would blossom under the rain if the chair is ever trashed. 

It is made of five shells that are assembled and glued together using the recipe provided, and covered with a layer of local, organic bees' wax. As such, indoors, the chair's life could be as long as a book's. Currently, while production is being organized, we are seeking the most effective way to transfer our accumulated knowledge to members of vulnerable communities; after we share our know-how, these individuals would partake in the production of the shells, for us to purchase. We intend that this closed cycle would mitigate some of the tragedies of the modalities in the design and production industry.

Pulp Fusion - Paper Chair Project

Paper Chair, side view

Pulp Fusion - Paper Chair Project

Paper Chair close-up, back

Pulp Fusion - Paper Chair Project

Paper Chair close-up

Pulp Fusion - Paper Chair Project

Paper Chair, back view

Pulp Fusion - Paper Chair Project

Paper Chair close-up, material

Pulp Fusion - Paper Chair Project
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