Parachute Pavilion

The Parachute Pavilion is a landmark in Coney Island (USA). The international competition was to preserve the now unused tower of the fairground attraction and propose a new use including a café, shop and exhibition centre. Our proposal was based on a large void, public space aligned to the main jetty, proposing a project that was further enhanced by anamorphosis, permitting the Parachute Tower to be seen ‘through’ the only solid wall of the pavilion.
In association with Maxime Pion.
The structure we proposed for the Parachute Pavilion competition is a void that acts as anchor.
The project includes the existing jetty in achieving a telescope-like perspective. The void inhabits the immense perspective created.
The effect of anamorphosis* makes the building transparent within its context. The Parachute Pavilion can be seen through via openings that complement the visual effect.
From the two building entrances, one can find the two unique points where cuts in the skin make the already ethereal pavilion lose all sense of thickness and where the painted parachute tower perfectly matches the real version beside the plot.

Parachute Pavilion

Parachute Pavilion

Parachute Pavilion

Parachute Pavilion

Parachute Pavilion

Parachute Pavilion

Parachute Pavilion

Parachute Pavilion

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