Urban Bird Houses

Bird population has decreased by 30% the last 10 year. Decimated by chemicals used in agricultural lands, small birds last refuge are now the cities, where they are not hunted and where chemicals are less present.
Therefore, everyone needs to take care and protect the bird, and the least we can do is to offer them shelter in our balconies, amongst our plants.
Those little urban bird houses will protect them from the cold and the rain while offering them the perfect spot for nesting, bringing joy to your home.
Carved into the trunk of a dead cherry tree from Baskinta (Lebanon), the Bird Houses are massive pieces where the grain, cracks, bark of the wood are magnified.
The Nature of wood and the tree are kept and magnified by brass elements. The iconic shape itself is very humble, design minimal, in order to let the massive wood express itself.
The wood finish is local bee wax, wood is local from short circular economy. All the materials used are carefully planned to age under outdoor condition, brass will oxidize to brown then green and solid cherry wood will age beautifully

Urban Bird Houses

Urban Bird Houses

Urban Bird Houses

Urban Bird Houses

Urban Bird Houses

Urban Bird Houses

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