Daw'i is a serie of sculptural pieces of solid wood built around the LED revision of the iconic Edison E6-ST64 lamp bulb.

The Daw’i II is revisiting an iconic very early design for electric lamp: the counterweight suspension from the early 19th century.
All the mechanism is a careful assembly of milled wood and laser cut black steel.
The lamp plays with the light in a bold geometry with a subtle grading revealing the wood grain.
The body is machined like an engineered part, using a 7 axis 10 tons robot arm from the automotive industry.

The milling process involves a machinist knowledge that the design embodied to obtain a unique and timeless piece at the intersection of Art, Design and Manufacturing.

60x65cm, variable height (minimum: 0.8m, maximum: 3m)
Woods: Beech, Frake, from sustaianbly managed forests.
Allen screws, laser cut black steel with powder coating finish, bearings, flat cable.
Lighting: LED revision of the iconic Edison E6-ST64 lamp bulb.






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