Jeddah National Theater, Saudi Arabia

Our winning proposal for the National House of Theater in Jeddah, responds to Saudi Arabia’s increasing appetite towards culture and the arts, acting as an international open house for the local energies and initiatives. Adjacent to the sea, the theater is well-positioned to become an architectural icon that will place Jeddah on the world map of creative stages. This vision of the theater is sculptural and welcoming, woven in its public spaces and landscapes, with the Main Venue Hall as a summit to be anticipated. 

The “Room” - the main auditorium - is based on the ageless principle of carving mass to create spaces within; its concrete, pebble-like shell volume is housed underneath a sculptural ETFE structure, inspired by tents and dhows (traditional sailing vessels) which are typical landmarks of Saudi Arabia. Protected from the rain and sun, the inner bubble ETFE skin provides thermal insulation, while the white concrete of the shell is structural and provides the necessary acoustic insulation. With a 5000 spectator capacity, its biomorphic design, shaped by acoustics requirements for performance, is echoing the overall sculptural design of the building.

Jeddah National Theater, Saudi Arabia

Exterior view of ETFE skin enclosure

Jeddah National Theater, Saudi Arabia

Night view with light mapping on facade

Jeddah National Theater, Saudi Arabia

3D printed scale model

Jeddah National Theater, Saudi Arabia

Exterior night view of the Jeddah National Theatre

Jeddah National Theater, Saudi Arabia

Interior view of the foyer and lobby space

Jeddah National Theater, Saudi Arabia

Sectional perspective diagram of the main theater

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