House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

The Mediterranean countries developed on wheat and olive oil. If at some moment Lebanon’s history changed thanks to silk worms, the very roots of its diet remained held by wheat and olive. The peculiar position of the field: a table land on a crest, overlooking the sea, makes it even more remarkable. Landscape is too often disregarded whereas it is in fact a very deep patrimony of the relation between men and Nature. Taken through the fields by the experience trench, the visitor dives deeper following the sloped courtyard, leaving the field level, which continues straight on the roofs, reaching the house level.
Through the thin glazed lobby, he discovers the Valley and sub-consequently: the sea views.
Getting to the house is a landscape experience.

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

House in a field, Berbara Lebanon

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